quantum computing
Q&A with the 2023 Open Quantum Initiative fellows
Eight Open Quantum Initiative undergraduate fellows recently completed quantum research experiences that contributed to Q-NEXT R&D. In this Q&A, they share what they did this summer. Read More
The consequences of removing the world largest dam, and building a quantum computer using sound waves
From the Science Podcast: University of Chicago's Andrew Cleland discusses his work on using the phonon as the basis of quantum computing. Read More
Run Superstaq to boost quantum computing performance — with Infleqtion
From the Post-Quantum World podcast: Host Konstantinos Karagiannis chats with Infleqtion's Pranav Gokhale about improving the performance of quantum computing programs by orders of magnitude by modifying just one layer of the computing stack. Read More
Pushing the quantum frontier for finance: JPMorgan Chase’s Marco Pistoia
An institutional partner of the Q-NEXT quantum research center, JPMorgan Chase is advancing quantum technologies for the financial sector while collaborating with other organizations to push the quantum frontier for all. Read More
UChicago scientists make new discovery proving entanglement is responsible for computational hardness in quantum systems
From the University of Chicago: In a groundbreaking paper published in Physical Review Letters, a team of scientists led by William Fefferman from the University of Chicago has found a computational problem in which entanglement is directly responsible for a dramatic quantum computational speedup over any efficient classical algorithm. Read More
Sound is manipulated for quantum information processing
From Physics World: University of Chicago's Andrew Cleland and team show how sound can be used to create two quintessentially quantum effects: superposition and interference. As a result, sound-based technologies could soon be used to create quantum computers. Read More
How splitting sound might lead to a new kind of quantum computer
From The Conversation: Andrew Cleland of the University of Chicago writes about using beam splitters to explore the quantum properties of phonons. His findings could lead researchers to use phonons to build a new type of quantum computer. Read More
Quantum computers could break the internet. Here’s how to save it
From Science News: Q-NEXT Director David Awschalom and student Nolan Bitner are featured in this article on quantum cryptography and a future quantum internet. Read More
How spectator qubits can reduce noise in quantum computers
From AZo Quantum: In a Q&A, the University of Chicago's Hannes Bernien talks about his research on noise-reduction in quantum computers through spectator qubits. Read More
Argonne and UChicago PME researchers “split” phonons – or sound – in step toward new type of quantum computer
In two experiments, a research team led by Andrew Cleland uses an acoustic beam splitter to demonstrate the quantum properties of phonons. The experiments are first of their kind and could lead to new advances in computing Read More
In the News
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Decoding the Universe: Quantum
From PBS' Nova: David Awschalom and Nadya Mason appear in PBS’s Nova: ‘Decoding the Universe: Quantum’. The episode takes the viewer through the quantum physics' important discoveries, discoveries that paved the way for the digital technologies we enjoy today – and the powerful quantum sensors… Read More
Getting in line with Photon Queue
From the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign: Photon Queue is a quantum company startup mostly led by a group of PhD students from the lab of Paul Kwiat, a UIUC professor and Q-NEXT collaborator. The company is a participant in Cohort 4 of Duality, a Chicago-based… Read More
DARPA’s Quantum Proving Ground — with University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
From Protiviti's The Post-Quantum World podcast: Imagine 128 acres of land devoted to advancing quantum information science in a major city. The Illinois Quantum and Microelectronics Park is expected to draw leading companies and researchers to Chicago, and DARPA is already playing a significant role. Read More
Building the quantum economy - Chicago style
From HPCWire: HPCwire talks with Q-NEXT Director David Awschalom about the evolution of the quantum information technology market, the prospects for quantum computing sensing and communication, the Illinois Quantum and Microelectronics Park, current messaging on a quantum future, quantum startups, and the quantum workforce. Read More
So you want to build a quantum computer?
From Nextgov/FCW: For all the hype, funding and policy around quantum computing, there is still a lot of basic scientific research to be done to bring a quantum information system to life. Leading researchers at Argonne National Laboratory and Q-NEXT spoke with Nextgov/FCW about the… Read More