UChicago signs partnership at Davos to promote quantum science
From the University of Chicago: At Davos, Q-NEXT partner the University of Chicago, Seoul National University and the University of Tokyo agree to promote a global partnership in quantum information science and technology. Read More
University, government, and industry researchers join forces to explore how quantum computing could aid financial institutions
From the Chicago Quantum Exchange: In a paper published in Nature Reviews Physics, a team of experts from Argonne National Laboratory, JPMorgan Chase, Fujitsu Research of America, Menten AI, the University of Chicago and the University of Delaware create a one-stop resource on the use of quantum computers to accelerate solutions for the finance sector. The paper discusses challenges in three categories at the intersection of finance and computing: optimization, machine learning and stochastic modeling. Read More
IBM and top universities to advance quantum education for 40,000 students in Japan, South Korea and the United States
From PR Newswire: IBM has announced the company intends to engage with Keio University, the University of Tokyo, Yonsei University, Seoul National University and the University of Chicago to work together to support quantum education activities in Japan, Korea and the United States. IBM intends to deliver educational offerings, in combination with contributions from each of the participating universities, to advance the training of up to 40,000 students over the next 10 years to prepare them for the quantum workforce and promote the growth of a global quantum ecosystem. Read More
Infleqtion Selected to join Japan's Quantum Moonshot program with leading neutral atom quantum computing platform
From PR Newswire: Q-NEXT partner Infleqtion has been selected by Japan's Science and Technology Agency as the only foreign quantum computing partner in the Quantum Moonshot program, a cutting-edge initiative to advance Japan's technological capabilities and to revolutionize Japan's economy, industry, and security by 2050. As part of the program, Infleqtion will collaborate to develop a large-scale, neutral atom quantum computer with high-fidelity qubits. Read More
U.S. Department of Energy announces first-of-its-kind collaboration for quantum technology demonstrations in space
From the U.S. Department of Energy: The U.S. Department of Energy announces the first round of participants dedicated to the Quantum & Space Collaboration, which has garnered an array of participants, including Q-NEXT partner Infleqtion. Read More
Quantum capital of the world: emerging field that could solve ‘unsolvable’ problems
From WGN News: Chicago is aiming to become the quantum capital of the world. Public and private investment, workforce efforts, tech startups, and collaboration across academia, government and industry are all helping position Illinois as a leader in the quantum revolution. The WGN news piece features Q-NEXT Director David Awschalom and Q-NEXT collaborator Pranav GQuantum capital of the world: Emerging field that could solve ‘unsolvable’ problems okhale of Infleqtion. Read More
Pushing the quantum frontier for finance: JPMorgan Chase’s Marco Pistoia
An institutional partner of the Q-NEXT quantum research center, JPMorgan Chase is advancing quantum technologies for the financial sector while collaborating with other organizations to push the quantum frontier for all. Read More
UChicago, IIT Bombay form new science and technology partnership
From the University of Chicago: The Indian Institute of Technology Bombay and the University of Chicago announced on Sept. 8 a science and technology partnership to promote cooperation in fields such as quantum information science, climate and energy, advanced microelectronics, artificial intelligence and data science. Read More
Chicago hopes to become a world center for quantum research
From The Economist: Q-NEXT Director David Awschalom weights in on how Chicago is moving to the forefront of the quantum industry. Chicago’s strength in quantum research in part goes back to its days at the center of research into the nuclear industry. Argonne National Laboratory opened in 1946 as a hub for research into nuclear power. Today, Illinois generates more electricity from nuclear power than any other state. And it was the visionary thinking by Robert Zimmer, a former president of the University of Chicago, that was responsible the city’s more recent quantum leap. Read More
IBM’s Jason Orcutt moves the world toward an interconnected quantum future
Jason Orcutt of IBM provides an industry perspective on quantum simulation research at Q-NEXT and works to connect quantum information systems around the globe. Read More
In the News
See all In the News-
Decoding the Universe: Quantum
From PBS' Nova: David Awschalom and Nadya Mason appear in PBS’s Nova: ‘Decoding the Universe: Quantum’. The episode takes the viewer through the quantum physics' important discoveries, discoveries that paved the way for the digital technologies we enjoy today – and the powerful quantum sensors… Read More
Getting in line with Photon Queue
From the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign: Photon Queue is a quantum company startup mostly led by a group of PhD students from the lab of Paul Kwiat, a UIUC professor and Q-NEXT collaborator. The company is a participant in Cohort 4 of Duality, a Chicago-based… Read More
DARPA’s Quantum Proving Ground — with University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
From Protiviti's The Post-Quantum World podcast: Imagine 128 acres of land devoted to advancing quantum information science in a major city. The Illinois Quantum and Microelectronics Park is expected to draw leading companies and researchers to Chicago, and DARPA is already playing a significant role. Read More
Building the quantum economy - Chicago style
From HPCWire: HPCwire talks with Q-NEXT Director David Awschalom about the evolution of the quantum information technology market, the prospects for quantum computing sensing and communication, the Illinois Quantum and Microelectronics Park, current messaging on a quantum future, quantum startups, and the quantum workforce. Read More
So you want to build a quantum computer?
From Nextgov/FCW: For all the hype, funding and policy around quantum computing, there is still a lot of basic scientific research to be done to bring a quantum information system to life. Leading researchers at Argonne National Laboratory and Q-NEXT spoke with Nextgov/FCW about the… Read More