Q-NEXT Updates

  • Verizon and Zurich Instruments join Q-NEXT

    With the addition, Q-NEXT now partners with 12 leading U.S. quantum technology companies, along with three national laboratories and nine universities. Read More

  • Keysight speaks quantum

    Q-NEXT partner Keysight Technologies is known around the world as an electronics test and measurement company, but over the last five years, the California-based company has been supercharging its quantum capabilities. It boasts customer engagements in quantum computing, communication, sensing and materials research, and the Keysight team that works on quantum is more than 100 employees strong. Read More

  • Convergence with quantum characterization

    We’re part of the way through Q-NEXT’s first year, and the Extreme Scale Characterization Thrust has made significant strides in our mission to image and identify qubit structure, dynamics, and sources of decoherence — from the single-spin qubit all the way to the system level. Read More

  • From the Quantum Foundry Thrust lead

    Since Q-NEXT’s inception, the quantum foundry thrust has been ramping up design and build-out at Argonne and SLAC to meet scientific requirements for Q-NEXT and conform with on-site safety protocols. The foundries will serve as a national resource producing a robust supply chain of standardized materials and devices that will support both known and yet-to-be-discovered quantum-enabled applications. Read More

  • Director's message

    Q-NEXT has been working to lay the bedrock for cutting-edge quantum research since the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the U.S. Department of Energy announced awards for the establishment of five National Quantum Information Science Research Centers in August 2020. Together with you, our partners from national laboratories, universities and industry, we are tackling one of the grand challenges facing quantum science — how to manipulate and interconnect entangled states of matter. Read More

  • Decoding the Universe: Quantum

    From PBS' Nova: David Awschalom and Nadya Mason appear in PBS’s Nova: ‘Decoding the Universe: Quantum’. The episode takes the viewer through the quantum physics' important discoveries, discoveries that paved the way for the digital technologies we enjoy today – and the powerful quantum sensors… Read More

  • Getting in line with Photon Queue

    From the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign: Photon Queue is a quantum company startup mostly led by a group of PhD students from the lab of Paul Kwiat, a UIUC professor and Q-NEXT collaborator. The company is a participant in Cohort 4 of Duality, a Chicago-based… Read More

  • DARPA’s Quantum Proving Ground — with University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

    From Protiviti's The Post-Quantum World podcast: Imagine 128 acres of land devoted to advancing quantum information science in a major city. The Illinois Quantum and Microelectronics Park is expected to draw leading companies and researchers to Chicago, and DARPA is already playing a significant role. Read More

  • Building the quantum economy - Chicago style

    From HPCWire: HPCwire talks with Q-NEXT Director David Awschalom about the evolution of the quantum information technology market, the prospects for quantum computing sensing and communication, the Illinois Quantum and Microelectronics Park, current messaging on a quantum future, quantum startups, and the quantum workforce. Read More

  • So you want to build a quantum computer?

    From Nextgov/FCW: For all the hype, funding and policy around quantum computing, there is still a lot of basic scientific research to be done to bring a quantum information system to life. Leading researchers at Argonne National Laboratory and Q-NEXT spoke with Nextgov/FCW about the… Read More