In the News
UChicago, IIT Bombay form new science and technology partnership
From the University of Chicago: The Indian Institute of Technology Bombay and the University of Chicago announced on Sept. 8 a science and technology partnership to promote cooperation in fields such as quantum information science, climate and energy, advanced microelectronics, artificial intelligence and data science. Read More
Women of Quantum Technology: Dr. Laura Gagliardi of the University of Chicago
From Inside Quantum Technology: Laura Gagliardi of the University of Chicago and her research team perform quantum chemistry simulations to study renewable energies and predicts chemical systems as potential qubits for the next generation of quantum computers. Gagliardi is also deeply committed to fostering inclusivity in science. Read More
Quantum quarterbacks: Pritzker’s a ‘geek’ for computing science that Emanuel calls ‘cutting edge of the next generation’
From the Chicago Sun-Times: Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzker and former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel are working to boost quantum research in Illinois and in Chicago. Governor Pritzker toured quantum labs at the University of Chicago in July and discussed QIS research with Q-NEXT Director David Awschalom and Q-NEXT members Hannes Bernien and Peter Maurer. Read More
Embracing imperfection for quantum technologies
From Physics Today: Q-NEXT Director David Awschalom co-writes a comprehensive rundown of the use of atomic defects as qubits. These solid-state spin qubits are unlocking applications in nanoscale quantum sensing and are at the forefront of creating distributed, long-distance entanglement that could enable a quantum internet. Read More
UChicago scientists make new discovery proving entanglement is responsible for computational hardness in quantum systems
From the University of Chicago: In a groundbreaking paper published in Physical Review Letters, a team of scientists led by William Fefferman from the University of Chicago has found a computational problem in which entanglement is directly responsible for a dramatic quantum computational speedup over any efficient classical algorithm. Read More
Physicist Nadya Mason appointed dean of Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering
From the University of Chicago: Experimental physicist Nadya Mason has been appointed dean of the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering at the University of Chicago, effective Oct. 1, 2023. A highly accomplished academic leader and elected member of the National Academy of Sciences, Mason is the Rosalyn S. Yalow professor of physics at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, where she specializes in experimental studies of materials. Read More
Sound is manipulated for quantum information processing
From Physics World: University of Chicago's Andrew Cleland and team show how sound can be used to create two quintessentially quantum effects: superposition and interference. As a result, sound-based technologies could soon be used to create quantum computers. Read More
Laura Gagliardi awarded the 2023 Pauling Medal Award for outstanding achievements in chemistry
From the University of Chicago: With the award, University of Chicago Professor Laura Gagliardi is honored for the development of groundbreaking electronic structure theories and combined classical/quantum methodologies that have accelerated the design of new materials, including reticular frameworks. Read More
Chicago hopes to become a world center for quantum research
From The Economist: Q-NEXT Director David Awschalom weights in on how Chicago is moving to the forefront of the quantum industry. Chicago’s strength in quantum research in part goes back to its days at the center of research into the nuclear industry. Argonne National Laboratory opened in 1946 as a hub for research into nuclear power. Today, Illinois generates more electricity from nuclear power than any other state. And it was the visionary thinking by Robert Zimmer, a former president of the University of Chicago, that was responsible the city’s more recent quantum leap. Read More
How splitting sound might lead to a new kind of quantum computer
From The Conversation: Andrew Cleland of the University of Chicago writes about using beam splitters to explore the quantum properties of phonons. His findings could lead researchers to use phonons to build a new type of quantum computer. Read More
News and features
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Making the atomic universe visible
Pennsylvania State University's Nitin Samarth is helping grow the capabilities of the Argonne Quantum Foundry. He’s also building a library of atom-scale materials for quantum technologies — and he’s sharing it with everyone. Read More
X-ray imagery of vibrating diamond opens avenues for quantum sensing
Scientists map atomic vibrations in diamond, linking them with the behavior of the quantum system embedded within. The work advances quantum sensors, which will be significantly more precise than today’s detection tools. Read More
New method could yield fast, cross-country quantum network
Scientists have struggled to come up with practical methods of building networks that can connect quantum computers. Now, researchers at the University of Chicago have proposed a new approach — building long quantum channels using vacuum sealed tubes with an array of spaced-out lenses. These… Read More
‘Quantum optical antennas’ provide more powerful measurements on the atomic level
From the University of Chicago: Researchers have never been able to tap the potentially huge intensity enhancements of some “atomic antennas” in solid materials simply because they were solids. Now, a multi-institutional team led by the University of Chicago's Alex High has cracked this problem. Read More
'Get entangled' with Eric Chitambar
At the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, theorist Eric Chitambar studies quantum communication. He is passionate about teaching and appreciates the strong collaborative spirit at UIUC, where his experimentalist colleagues help realize his group's ideas on hardware. Read More